Sunday, October 4, 2009

10 questions from the Author

1)Why do you believe that it is necessary first to get “caught up in” (p.2), or “trapped by in” (p.2) the activities in order to know where we are headed?

2)How we can we avoid any “foolish” (p.4) problem posing?

3)In posing a problem, how can we make it more “significant [and] meaningful” (p.5) as you mentioned?

4)How we can relate the role of problem posing in education of different gender? In other words, if problem posing has any role in education of women? If so how?

5)What is the hardest part of problem posing? And why?

6)How “general” we should think when posing problems compare to the level of understanding of each student in class?

7)What do you think about posing open ended problems (referring back to x²+y²=z²: while reading that I thought about an open ended problem and their benefits)? Are there any benefits into it?

8)What are the things/ aspects/ criteria that we need to be “cautious” (p.17) about when posing a sensible mathematical problem?

9)Are the “standards” in problem posing part of schools’ curriculum nowadays?

10)Do you think problem posing(from the title of your book) itself is an art? Why?

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