Thursday, October 1, 2009

Comment and Reflection on in class video that was watched on Sep 30th regarding “teaching by patterns”:

Comment and Reflection on in class video that was watched on Sep 30th regarding “teaching by patterns”:

There are many diverse techniques that assist teachers to help their students learn math better. One of them is learning by patterns that we watched last class. The method that the class teacher was using to teach his students was amazing. He was using patterns and sounds by hitting a ruler on the board and wall to teach students how to count from smaller to bigger number and vice versa, additions, subtractions, and etc. It was really interesting that he started off teaching his students really simply and then introduced them to more difficult terms and concepts such as “unknowns.” I personally think that introducing students to new concepts, which are not really necessary for them to learn at that grade, is a great idea because when they confront it later in higher grades, they will not panic as much and face it easier than usual. I also really liked the idea that the teacher drew his students’ attention by hitting on the wall and the board. Most students in specially math classes have high tendencies to get bored; thus, as student candidates we must learn how to draw students’ attention in the classroom to avoid any boredom. Overall, watching this tape aided me to learn about various methods of teachings on top of many other valuable tips, which I mentioned above, that I can utilize in my classroom to assist my students learn math better.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Susan,
    I wrote this with headache and fever, sorry for any inconvenience :S
